About Us

About us, Apex Radiology (formerly Global Diagnostics) started out in 1996 in the South West of Western Australia and has become one of  the leading providers of diagnostic imaging services in Western Australia. In 2014, Apex Radiology joined the Integral Diagnostics Group to become part of the 3rd largest private radiology providers in Australia and New Zealand. Apex Radiology provides comprehensive Radiology and Tele-radiology services to private medical facilities, public hospitals, WACHS (Western Australia Country Health Service)  and also operates stand-alone medical imaging practices across Western Australia.

  • Strong Educational Commitment

    We recognise our corporate and community responsibility to education and training. Regular information and educational sessions are held with local referring physicians and run by Apex Radiology radiologists. Programs are designed to assist medical practitioners with their professional development to ensure they have access to the latest information so they can, in turn, provide the best possible service to their patients.

  • Our team is what makes us different

    Our team is world class and we engage and attract the finest healthcare professionals and integrate them across our different geographical locations. Our expanding team of skilled professionals aim to provide access to high quality, cost effective, best practice diagnostics 24/7, 365 days of the year.

    The company has a full compliment of Radiologists, Medical Imaging Technologists, Sonographers, Nurses, clinical assistants and support staff employed and living permanently in Regional Western Australia. This local focus to the Apex team means the staff better understand the communities needs.

  • Strong Regional Commitment

    Apex Radiology have long been successful in recruiting skilled professional workers into the regional areas in which we operate. It was built on the premise that people in rural and regional locations are entitled to the highest standard of diagnostic imaging services without having to travel to the metropolitan area. This premise now sees Apex Radiology covering vast areas of Western Australia.

  • Our Community Commitment

    Our initiatives in this area consist of participating in peer review process, weekly clinical educational meetings and information sessions for our team and local referral base.

    Apex Radiology also participates in the expanded specialist training program hosting registrars on quarterly rotations from the West Australian Radiology Training Program.


Older couple, male and female, hugging each other, holding hands and smiling


At Apex Radiology, we offer a range of cardiac imaging services in a caring and compassionate environment, to assist your GP or Specialist in accurately providing a diagnosis and developing a treatment plan.
Men's health

Men’s Health

Conditions such as prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, and higher rates of accidents and injuries affect men disproportionately. By focusing on men’s health, we can assist your healthcare provider to tailor preventive measures and early detection strategies to address these specific risks.

Cardiac Imaging

At Apex Radiology, we offer a range of cardiac imaging services in a caring and compassionate environment, to assist your GP or Specialist in accurately providing a diagnosis and developing a treatment plan.
Nuclear Medicine

What is Nuclear Medicine?

Nuclear medicine is a modern medical imaging method that gives unique information about how different body systems work.

Holiday Prepared

Ensuring that you are physically fit for your journey will help you enjoy your well earned time off. Depending on your destination and personal health history you may want to consider a pre-travel check up.
Elderly Asian women sitting looking at a tissue giving the impression it has blood on it for lung cancer

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Early intervention results in significant reductions in lung cancer mortality and diagnosis of a larger proportion of lung cancers at earlier stages.
Apex Radiology MRI Technician smiling and standing towards the camera with an MRI machine in the background

Managing MRI Claustrophobia

It is important to discuss your claustrophobia with your healthcare provider and the MRI staff. They are experienced in working with patients who have claustrophobia and can provide guidance and accommodations to help you have a successful MRI experience.

Breast Cancer

Any cancer diagnosis no doubt comes as a shock, however, knowing that you have a professional and comprehensive medical team behind you every step of the way to ensure you receive the best possible care will help ease your mind.