In the current climate of the COVID-19 pandemic, Apex Radiology is continuing to provide optimal quality diagnostic imaging and patient care to our valued communities. As a healthcare provider, we are very much committed to quality care, compassion, and service.

In these unprecedented times, Apex Radiology is very much ready to play our part in supporting our patients, doctors, and staff (our communities). Our responsibility to service our patients in a safe environment is always our primary focus. We would like to reassure all patients entering our waiting rooms for imaging, that we have taken extra and all necessary precautions to protect against COVID-19 within clinics.

Apex Radiology is committed to ensuring our policies and procedures with respect to COVID-19 are in line with the latest government and health organisation regulations and guidelines.

We thank you for your understanding and co-operation in this matter.

All patients attending our hospital locations are required to wear a mask.

Three questions at time of booking or on arrival:

  1. Do you have COVID?
  2. Are you a close contact?
  3. Do you have symptoms?

If you answer yes to any of the above, we encourage patients not to attend appointments unless it is clinically urgent.

Apex Radiology are encouraging referrers and patients to send their referral paperwork electronically. This helps to keep our staff from unnecessary handling of items.

Fax: (08) 9726 6926


Web Form: website appointment form

We are taking extra precautions to minimise infection within our clinics and are ensuring our waiting areas are regularly disinfected. We have an ample supply of hand sanitiser for both staff and patient use. You can be assured that every hygiene measure is taken to ensure the safety of patients in our clinics. We are practising social distancing in all of our waiting rooms.

No, you do not need to cancel your appointment. We are committed to providing radiology services within our communities. Please call one of our clinics or make contact via our website. You can be assured that servicing our patients in a safe environment is always our primary focus. Our friendly staff will ask you a series of questions over the phone to establish your individual situation concerning COVID-19.  

A list of Apex Radiology locations can be found here: Apex Radiology Locations

Please click here to be taken to the Australian Government healthdirect website symptom checker tool. Alternatively, you should call the Coronavirus Health Information Line 1800 020 080.

Please speak with your doctor if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms or if you believe you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Your doctor is best placed to assist you with the appropriate course of action at this time.

If you would like more information on COVID-19, please call the Department of Health on 1300 651 160 or visit

No, we are offering the same high-quality radiology services to all patients not considered high-risk of having COVID-19. Our staff and doctors are working to maintain a high level of service to our communities.