Man in a ginham checkered shirt leaning against the wall with brown hair, a beard and glasses with his arms crossed for mens imaging

Men’s Imaging

At Apex Radiology, we recognise the need for specialised Men’s imaging services. We provide diagnostic testing for symptomatic and asymptomatic conditions throughout all stages of life.

Apex Radiology provides extensive and specialised services dedicated to the unique health care needs of men. Our sub-specialised Radiologists are highly skilled and experienced in men’s imaging and continue to develop their knowledge through supported professional development programs. They work closely with referring practitioners to provide each patient with expert, safe, accurate and individualised care.

Find out more about the services we offer in this area

Please note; not all services are listed below, and not all services are available at every site

Prostate Multi-Parametric MRI is a non-invasive examination that has emerged recently as the best examination available for detecting and provide information about prostate concerns including significant (‘harmful’) prostate cancer earlier.

If a patient’s PSA is elevated, it is considered by Urologists to be advantageous to have an MRI prior to a biopsy for the investigation of prostate cancer. In some patients MRI can be so convincingly negative that we can say more reliably than with biopsy that there is no significant cancer in the prostate. This means the Urologist may decide not to proceed to a biopsy. The MRI will in essence give a clear diagnosis. The Urologist may still proceed to a biopsy and the MRI imaging and report will add considerably to the certainty that a significant cancer is not missed by the biopsy.

It also enables accurate evaluation of spread outside the prostate gland which is important when it comes to treatment options. Understanding the extent of disease enables the surgeon to determine whether it is possible to preserve the delicate arteries and nerves which are essential for maintaining sexual function and bladder control.

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